How to stage a play in four days.

Well, we're at the end of week 2, and boy, was it a fruitful week!  Sarah put things in really good perspective:  on the last day of our first week, we were still sitting and reading the play.  But four work days later, we had the whole thing staged and the next day, we did a design run.  WHOA! 

So, going back, here's the timeline:  on Tuesday, we started putting the play on its feet.  We do this in the rehearsal room, as the stage is full of the construction required to build the set!  They're making a real scale teenager's room, so there's a lot to be built since the stage is quite a bit larger than any real room.  That means we're in the rehearsal room, which is set up with the mock up of what we'll have on stage.  (This is super fun for me because it's all about playing pretend.  My imagination brings it all to life and makes it feel like it's my very own!)  Staging was pretty easy -- since we're just hanging out in a room, all of the decisions about where to move, when to do it, and why were pretty simple and obvious.  We staged everything in order and were finished with the outline of it by Friday.  

Playing house -- the rehearsal set.

Playing house -- the rehearsal set.

 That left us in a perfect position to do the play for the design team so they can see it and figure out what further needs there are for lighting, props, costumes, set, and sound.  It's sort of weird doing a design run because usually the team members are all concentrating so hard on what they need to keep track of that they're too distracted to react.  But this run was awesome -- everyone was really engaged, and it seemed like they liked it!  I was happy, too, because we made it through without any mishaps.  In fact, it might have even been pretty good.  

Except I need to learn my lines.  Aack!